Terms and Conditions Panel

The CIES Panel is owned by Análisis de Mercado y Opinión, Sociedad Microcooperativa (CIES) VAT n.: F71401814, whose office is in calle Sancho el Mayor, 5-1º IZDA 31002 PAMPLONA NAVARRA- SPAIN

The panel data base are in compliance with the regulations in force and in particular those resulting of REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of April 27, 2016 and the LOPG GDD 3/2018 law relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data, and the LAW 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and electronic commerce.


  1. Purpose and general principles of the panel

The CIES Panel brings together Internet users wishing to give their opinion through surveys (online or telephone). Occasionally, CIES may invite them to participate in an In-depth interview or a Focus Group.

The people who form part of this panel, hereinafter referred to as “the panelists”, are interviewed on various subjects concerning consumption or opinion, for statistical purposes.


Conditions of participation in the panel

Any natural person can become a member of the CIES Panel if they meet all of the following conditions:

  • Be aged 18 and over at the time of registration,
  • Live in Navarra or the Basque Country,
  • Have a valid personal or professional e-mail address in order to be able to receive survey invitation mails.

Membership of the panel is free. After completing the registration steps, the candidate indicates his willingness to join the panel and his full acceptance of these general conditions for panel registration.

To be registered on our panel, members must fill in several general information of their profile. We collect and use this general data to provide a more personalized survey experience.

The CIES Panel commits itself to the utmost confidentiality and the preservation of their anonymity with its members. The results of studies will always be treated as a whole and not individually.

All nominative data concerning the panelists is strictly confidential and is not, under any circumstances, transferred to third parties, nor marketed in any way whatsoever.


  1. Stages of the panelist's life:


The candidate panelist becomes a panelist upon receipt of an email confirming his registration to the CIES Panel.


Panel life

The panelist is requested by email to respond to surveys according to his profile. He is free to answer or not to the proposed questionnaires. Occasionally, CIES may offer to participate in an in-depth interview or discussion group, if the profile fits the demands of the study. After explaining the conditions of participation, the panelist is free to participate or not in the study.


Unsubscribe / Cancellation

The panelist has the possibility to leave the panel at any time by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The departure of the panel is immediate. All personal data will be deleted.

In the event that the responses to a panelist's surveys are inconsistent, irregular or incomplete, the CIES panel team reserves the right to exclude this member from the panel. Likewise, incomplete registrations (email address + postal address), or made in violation of these general conditions, result in the immediate delisting of the panelist.

Finally, each panelist agrees to register only once. CIES reserves the right to exclude from its panel any person who has made several simultaneous registrations.


  1. Right of access and rectification of data:

Panelists have the right to access, modify and delete data concerning them. The panelists can exercise this right at any time by identifying themselves sending an email to the person in charge of the panel to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Upon validation all personal data of the panelist will be deleted.

The CIES Panel reserves the right to send once a year an Update form in order to keep its database up-to-date.